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Provide menstrual hygiene to poor mother and girls in India

09/06/2021 11:27 AM | EKAM USA (Administrator)

Smrithi Shyam, a rising 10th grader in Pittsburgh started a caring crowd project to provide unprivileged adolescent girls in India menstrual hygiene. Only 12% of the women in India use proper sanitary napkins, leaving 330 million women left to use dirty rags, ashes, leaves, and dirt. These unsanitary substitutes lead to health defects and eventually the dropping out of school. In efforts to increase supply to sanitary napkins and hygienic education Smrithi collected $4000. 50% of the proceeds will go to giving 250 girls a year’s supply of sanitary napkins in Telangana, India through the organization Global Pragathi and the other 50% will go towards educating 250 adolescent girls in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India about menstrual hygiene.

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